Transportation Improvement Program

The Danville MPO approves Transportation Improvement Programs for three-year periods. The document details projects to improve the area’s transportation system, facilities, and services based on what is believed at the time to be amounts of funding reasonably thought to be available for the work during each respective three-year time period. The program covers transportation elements such as urban streets, primary roads, secondary roads, safety program projects, enhancement program projects, and Route 58 corridor improvement program projects.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Annual Obligation Report

FY 2024-2027 Danville MPO TIP (Adopted 4/19/2023)

FY 2021-2024 Danville MPO TIP (Adopted 6/24/2020; Amended 8/24/22, 11/9/22, and 4/19/23)


Unified Transportation Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The MPO adopted its annual Unified Transportation Planning Work Program in the spring of 2023. The document specifies the work activities that the MPO Board, MPO staff, and contracted consultants may be expected to carry out during the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.  

FY 2025 Unified Transportation Planning Work Program