What is an MPO?
The Metropolitan Planning Organization is an entity encouraged by federal legislation whose mandate is to help ensure that current and future expenditures for transportation programs and projects have a basis or foundation in a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive planning–the “3-C” planning process.
What is the area served by the Danville MPO?
Several federal agencies have been involved in defining MPO’s, including the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, and the Federal Highway Administration/U.S. Department of Transportation. In the early 1980’s it was recognized that an urbanized area of 50,000 population existed within Danville and portions of Pittsylvania County and so steps were taken to establish the MPO agency and establish an initial boundary. Since then a study area boundary also has been established at a distance outside of the Urbanized Area boundary. With the 2000 Census, these boundaries were changed to a limited extent.

What is the MPO Policy Board?
The Danville MPO has a governing body whose voting members are made up of three members from the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, two members from the Danville City Council, the Danville City Manager, and a member from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). A number of voting alternates are also specified. The Policy Board meets to determine policy matters and vote on issues brought to them by the Chairman and/or MPO Administrator. The Board meets when sufficient agenda items warrant a called meeting. Meeting information is posted on the PDC’s Calendar of Events page.
Policy Board Members
Voting Members
Lee Vogler, Danville
Gary P. Miller, Danville
Ken Larking, Danville
Ron Scearce, Pittsylvania County
Robert Warren., Pittsylvania County
Vacant, Pittsylvania County
Chris Winstead, VDOT, Lynchburg
Alternate Members
Rick Youngblood, VDOT, Lynchburg
Vic Ingram, Pittsylvania County
Emily Ragsdale, Pittsylvania County
Richard Drazenovich, Danville
Ken Gillie, Danville
Brian Dunevant, Danville
Non-Voting Members
Kevin Jones, FHWA, Richmond
Paige Lazar, VDRPT, Richmond
Mitch Huber, VDRPT, Alternate
Marc Adelman, Danville
Carson Eckhardt, VDOT, Lynchburg
Technical Committee/Project Management Team
Brian Dunevant, Danville
Richard Drazenovich, Danville
Ken Gillie, Danville
Marc Adelman, Danville
Emily Ragsdale, Pittsylvania County
Rick Youngblood, VDOT, Lynchburg
Carson Eckhardt, VDOT, Lynchburg
Kevin Jones, FHWA, Richmond
Paige Lazar, VDRPT, Richmond
Mitch Huber, VDRPT, Alternate
Joe Bonanno, MPO/WPPDC, Martinsville
Kristie Eberly, MPO/WPPDC, Martinsville
Citizens Advisory Committee
Willie T. Fitzgerald, Pittsylvania County
NAACP Teresa Fontaine, Southern Area Agency on Aging
Bill Sgrinia, Danville Parks & Recreation
John Moody, Danville Social Services
Anne Moore-Sparks, Danville-Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce
Chris Spain, Pittsylvania County Social Services
James Bebeau, Danville Pittsylvania Community Services
Tara Martin, Community Improvement Council
Rhonda Dark, ARC of Southside
Kristie Eberly, MPO Administrator
Joseph Bonanno, Senior Planner – Transportation
Jacob Bullins, Finance Director
David Rakes, Data Systems Manager
Tracy Meade, Office Manager
What does the MPO do?
The Danville MPO develops plans and programs that are subject to approval by federal transportation agencies in order for federal aid in transportation funding to flow to the region governed by the MPO. The national transportation legislation, FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) and MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 Century), dictates that primary MPO activities shall include development and maintenance of a Long-Range Transportation Plan and a Transportation Improvement Program. The agency also develops a Unified Transportation Planning Work Program on an annual basis to outline planning activities that are to take place and the funding determined to be required to undertake the annual efforts. This plan effectively serves as both the MPO’s budget and work program.

Title VI Compliance
The Danville Metropolitan Planning Organization fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Discrimination Complaint Form, see www.danvillempo.org or call (276) 638-3987.
La Organizacion de Planificacion Metropolitana de Danville cumple totalmente con el Titulo VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y los estatutos y reglamentos relacionados en todos los programas y actividades. Para obtener mas informacion o para obtener un Formulario de queja por discriminacion, visite www.danvillempo.org o llame al (276) 638-3987 .