Piney Forest Road Corridor Study
A planning study is being conducted for Piney Forest Road in the City of Danville. The study area is a 2.5-mile corridor from Franklin Turnpike, at the north, to Holt Garrison Parkway, at the south. The purpose of the study is to identify strategies and improvements to address existing and future traffic congestion, safety concerns, and the ability to more comfortably walk, bicycle, and use transit in the corridor. The study is being conducted by the West Piedmont Planning District Commission in partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation. EPR is providing engineering and planning assistance on the project.
Watch the April 27, 2021 Public Input Session.
The second public information meeting was held on May 2 ,2022 at 6:00pm at I.W. Taylor Virtual Academy, 825 Piney Forest Road, Danville, VA 24540. Download the public meeting presentation boards.
For questions or concerns about this study, please contact Joe Bonanno, Regional Transportation Planner.